Manufacturing and Areas of Application of Flat Bars

Manufacturing and Areas of Application of Flat Bars

Flat bar (steel) – is a type of rolled metal that is actively used in construction and other areas. Cross-section of this rolled metal is rectangular and it is an optimal choice for welded profiles, various constructions, spiral pipes, drain systems.

Flat bar – excellent material for manufacturing of flat springs, supporting springs and other elements of superstructure. In other industries flat bars are used to make fencing, as well as load-bearing and decorative elements. Besides, forging is often used as the metalworking technique.

We sell the whole rolled metal assortment on attractive terms. We offer steel flat bars with width from 10 – 400 mm, thickness from 3 – 60 mm and in any amount. You can find the available sizes (in accordance with the standard EN 10058) in the respective section of our webpage.

Manufacturing of Steel Flat Bars

Flat bars are manufactured by hot and cold-rolling method. In the first case the template is heated until recrystallization temperature and pulled through special rolls. During rolling process product is extended and acquires the necessary width and thickness parameters. This is the most commonly used type of rolled metal because of its simplicity and productivity.

Disregarding the use of intensive heating, the technological process of hot-rolling is cheaper than that of cold-rolling. It is because hot-rolling requires less load for formation as metal is in very plastic condition. Flaws of the technology – lower precision of the finished product, because it is difficult to ensure even heating of the whole template. Fragments of metal, after being heated to various temperatures and passing through the same rolls, cool off and contract to various sizes. During the cold-rolling process flat bars or steel plates are also pulled through the forming rolls, but are not heated in advance. Main advantages of this technology – higher formation precision and surface quality. There is no slag on surface of flat bars manufactured by cold-rolling method, therefore this type of rolled metal is mainly used for finishing.

You can view the Baltic Metal Corporation assortment of flat bars in the catalogues and choose the necessary sizes. We not only offer high quality rolled metal, but also provide cutting and delivery services.